
Erica 4 года назад

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4 года назад
You certainly wanted to have beautiful and healthy hair? Almost every person dreamed of this from ancient times. In today's world, this dream is much easier. Hundreds of studies have been carried out, thousands of components of hair products have been tested, for the sole purpose of placing in the bottle with shampoo, balm, mask, conditioner or hair oil all the best that science can give today!
We can only choose the right set of cosmetics for hair, based on their individual characteristics.
The assortment of our online store is able to satisfy any customer needs in hair care products, hair styling and treatment products.
In our warehouse there are many suggestions for solving individual problems, such as: hair loss, dandruff, dull and chemically damaged hair, split ends, means for growth, for volume and shine.
Our consultants will be happy to help you make the right choice!
It is often asked whether it is possible to use the same shampoo for all family members? Well, why not? If everyone has the same type of hair, then the answer is definitely yes. But, after all, it is recommended for men to use shampoos specially designed for them, and for children — to use soft and «children's» shampoos, which contain sparing elements designed specifically for children's delicate hair.
Further on the importance and on demand there is a conditioner, which with shampoo should make one whole, that is to be one mark. It is the compliance of their components will give maximum effect to the hair. The combination of different lines will not bring the desired benefit to the hair, and in some cases will lead to allergic reactions.
All about the beauty of the hair on this site
Currently, two-in-one shampoos have gained popularity. Agree, they are very convenient if you go on a trip, besides, the minimum time for their application still provides hair with fast care. But they should not be used regularly. As a temporary remedy, they will completely come down, but with frequent application will lead to loss of elasticity of hair and the effect of «gravity».